The Holiday Slash Fic Archive
// A r c h i v e //

  • New Year's Slash by Ashtareth. [Rated NC-17]
    Holiday: New Years Eve
    Category & Pairing: male/male -Angel/Doyle
    Summary: It's New Year's Eve of the new millennium, and the staff of Angel Investigations has a few drinks and some fun.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer:
  • Jealous by Saber ShadowKitten & Tinkerbell [Rated NC-17]
    Holiday: St. Patrick's Day
    Category & Pairing: male/male -Spike/Angel
    Summary: Not only the beer is green on St. Paddy's Day.
  • Mistletoe and Candycane by Saber ShadowKitten [Rated PG]
    Holiday: Christmas
    Category & Pairing: male/male -Spike/Xander
    Summary: Enchanted mistletoe, Spike, and a Santa hat.
  • Thanksgiving by TeresaVilla. [Rated G]
    Holiday: Thanksgiving
    Category & Pairing: female/female -Willow/Tara
    Summary: Willow and Tara spend Thanksgiving morning together.
  • Two Juliets by Birdie. [Rated G]
    Holiday: Christmas
    Category & Pairing: female/female -Willow/Tara
    Summary: A sad Xmas tale with a Shakespearian bent
Queer As Folk UK:
  • Astronauts and Lumberjacks by Sinead Duff. [Rated PG]
    Holiday: Halloween
    Category & Pairing: male/male -Stuart/Vince
    Summary: It's Halloween and Stuart and Vince have a little fun, much to Hazel's dismay.
  • Under the Mistletoe by Neil Green. [Rated PG]
    Holiday: Christmas
    Category & Pairing: male/male -Bernie/Phil
    Summary: Phil hopes for a little Christmas cheer.
The Sentinel: